Friday, December 5, 2008

Guess who's back??

YOYOYOYOYOYOYOYOYOYOYOYOYO!!!!!! It has been so long people, so long!!! 1 year and almost 2 months!!! It feels so good to be back!!! Yeah baby!! The reason i stopped blogging is because blogging just isn't my thing... But i guess its time to make a return.. well cause i have nothing else to do again!! LOL!!.. Anyway a special thanks goes to priya for illuminating my blog and making it look lifely. Thanks a million =). And she's my blogging tutor too!! W00T!!... only just recently i realised i've been blogging about crap.. Sorry people for having to listen to my crap.. haha.. anyways in my absence, i realised i've made some new friends. They are 'im-here-to-kill-you' & 'presiden-of-anti-prawn-something'. Two people who think they can mess with the LORD.. haizh why do ppl make this mistake... I'm still trying to figure out who they are and when i do, rest assured that they'll be dead.. haha.. hmmmmmm i wonder...... i wonder...

~Eternity in a Heartbeat~


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